Unprecedented Crisis


I'm issuing you a challenge that you'd be wise to take.

For the next seven days, I ask you to suspend your current "understandings" of economies, national security policies, real estate values, and the overall themes that govern the actions of industry, money, and government.

For the next seven days, I urge to read the links found in the right hand column entitled "Daily News -Energy & Economy."

Peak Oil has arrived.

In place of your "understandings," substitute the following fact: the world has reached peak oil - a period where our ability to supply additional oil to meet increasing demand has reached its all-time, upper-limit maximum, and that each passing day will now bring an ever-widening shortfall gap between supply and desire (demand doesn't work here anymore).

This is not about the falling dollar, speculation, greedy big-oil companies, oilfields off-limits to production, demand destruction, etc., etc.

It is much bigger.

If the world's demand for oil (now at 87 million barrels/day) continues to outstrip supply (now at 85 mil bbl/day) AND we have no possible way of increasing supply... what do you suppose will happen?

Just look at the past year. Crude oil has doubled from $60/bbl to $120/bbl. This doubling of price will now start to accelerate.

We are in a heap of trouble.

Why this challenge?

It is my firm belief that your views of the daily news events will begin to sharpen in focus. Your fuzzy understandings of the forces that are shaping our current and future world will begin to fade, and be replaced by a stunning and intuitive ability to assemble the puzzle of world energy markets.

Seemingly loosely related matters of war policy, foreign investment, humanitarian efforts, strategic alliances of government and industry, commodity trades, border security, government entitlements, and even the current and future value of your home will begin to mesh in your mind to form a solid bond of interconnectedness.

Take the challenge and I'll make you 10 promises:

1) You will become overwhelmed with varying emotions of fear, anger, and despair.

2) You will acquire substantially unpleasant and unpopular viewpoints and convictions.

3) You will encounter urges to make radical and drastic changes to the plans for your future.

4) You will find yourself isolated amongst family and friends.

5) You will survive.

6) You will find an altogether new level of "truth."

7) You will gather new appreciation for the phrase "the truth shall set you free."

8) You will regain your emotional footing and find yourself with an exhilerating new ability to think more clearly, make wiser decisions, and plan more effectively for your family's future.

9) You will develop compassionate attitudes, language sensitivities, and infectious convictions that will be much appreciated in the near future.

10) You will become a leader for countless individuals, families, and communities.

If you accept this challenge, then this site is for your use. Here you will find mountains of information, research, insights, and warnings that have failed to reach the average Joe American - but are critical for you to know.

I'll begin rather abruptly.

We have allowed the Gerber news networks and the Pravdas-of-print to shape our understanding of the world - and lull us to sleep.

This is what they're not telling us:

We are in the middle of a national and world-wide crisis of unprecedented and possibly unstoppable proportion. At the core of this crisis is peak oil and per capita energy use. Just as our populations turn hockey-stick skyward, our allotment of cheap energy is reaching the bell-curve peak. As we witness these two graphs interact with one another, we will begin to witness structural changes - of biblical proportion - to our world.

Humanity will now endure a slow-motion train wreck. The first wheels leaving the track are already identifiable: shrinking asset values (home, auto, stocks, cash), rapidy rising food & energy prices, escalating public and private debt, among others.

The next wheels to go are the industries relying heavily on cheap transportation fuels such as airlines, tourism, manufacturing, and - most critically - pizza delivery.

This all leads to loss of employment, collapsing economies, insolvent governments, resource scarcities and volatilities, environmental degradations, food shortages, and increasing geopolitical hostilities.

Unfortunately, this band of death is no longer on the horizon, down the street, or even knocking on the door. Rather, they've slipped into our living rooms and they've come for our lives. With our children at play upstairs unaware, the cathode-ray face with surround-sound mace hastily suffocates a brief flash of primordial instinct and call-to-arms intuition... "This just in, Britney Spears shaves her head."

With delusion secure by attention detour, a drumbeat of varied pitch sound-bites roll in to overwhelm our fragmented minds. The truth of our fate never reaches us. We accept - without question - the manufactured tide of common understanding with its counterfeit problems and sophistic solutions.

Our secular religion of "exponential growth" is a Pied Piper, and he has us marching toward the cliff in a drunken stupor. Wave after wave of us, unaware of our fate and/or unable to retreat through the weighted masses, are being shoved over the edge. Try as we might, it's too late. There is no Hollywood ending to this story. Our near-term future (dare I say... even here in the U.S.?) will include mass-scale famine, disease, war, and death unlike the world has ever seen.

We're at Peak.

If this age is remembered at all by the ensuing centuries, the 50 years either side of 2,000 a.d. may well be remembered as the "Peak Era."

Peak Era of __________... what?

Just fill in the blank and we are correct.

Life - Death
Health - Disease
Wealth - Poverty
Faith - Fear
Hope - Despair
Comfort - Pain
Abundance - Scarcity
Peace - War
Feast -Famine
Security - Terror
Love - Hate
Truth - Deception

For better - and for worse - the peak era of civilization is at hand. We are living it right now. If we've been gathering our "understandings" from the New York Times and CNN, then we are probably unaware that our children will face a world far more dangerous than we've ever imagined.

Up for the challenge?

You're family is counting on you.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Supply? Demand? Speculation? Falling Dollar?...

The debate continues: Why is the price of crude up over 80% year over year?

Does it matter??

Whatever the reason, the bottom line is that Americans are now paying around $3.50 per gallon of gasoline. What's more disconcerting is that an 80% annual increase in the cost of crude means, if it continues, that we will pay around $7.00 per gallon by this time next year.

Scary stuff.

Our food supply is nothing more than an exchange of hydrocarbon energy for caloric fuel. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to make the correlation between the rise in crude and escalating food prices.

Roughly 85% of our nation's electricity is provided by hydrocarbon exchange. If the price of fuel for your auto goes up, so will your electricity bill.

Thank goodness our leaders decoupled food and energy from the Consumer Price Index. If they hadn't done that, we'd be facing hyper-sonic inflation, wouldn't we?

I won't bore you any further. It should be more than evident by now that your life will change dramatically in the near future... IF... crude prices continue to rise at an 80% clip.

Meanwhile, please view blatently false assertions that rising gas prices represent only a small fraction of the family budget for what they are: nerve gas.

So the big question is... Are we going to see crude prices up another 80% a year from now?

It's probable... and the resultant shock to our way of life in the U.S. would be incalculable.


Field after field, nation after nation, and region after regions are reaching and passing their production peaks, and unable to deliver an increase in supply at any cost.


In the past, the U.S. alone could kill price through demand destruction. Those days are gone. Developing countries around the globe have more than enough appetite to consume what we leave on the table.


If the real estate market is collapsing, the banks are freezing up, the government is hiding inflation, and it's difficult for your children to ingest precious metals... then, of course, there is going to be speculation. Can you blame anyone for buying food and energy futures?

Falling Dollar

Oil is transacted in US dollars only. Therefore, as the value of the dollar declines, we Americans continue to pay more and more for crude while all other countries continue to exchange their currencies for ever-increasing volumes of petrodollars.

All of the Above

For the average American, the actual battle no longer matters. It's all the same. The price is too high, the line is too long, and dollars in his pocket are vanishing in value.

Nothing will change in the near future for several reasons:

1) OPEC is refusing to tap their "all-powerful" reserve production capacities (at $120/bl, it is not foolish to wonder if they even exist);

2)the collection of non-OPEC oil producing countries are deep into perfectly provable permanent states of production declines;

3)India, China, and other rapidly developing countries stand more than ready to pick up any slack in crude supplies;

4)The de-coupling of the US economy from the rest of the world is happening much faster than many of us realize and we are not the 800 lb. gorilla of consumption we once were;

5)OPEC is not stupid, they are manning the production throttle closely as they shift gears away from the US economy and into those of the developing world;

6) OPEC countries do not love us.

None of these are good new.

Whatever the base problem is - supply, demand, speculation, falling dollar - there are even more powerful players still standing on the sideline. On the side of hope is Innovation; on the side of fear is Panic.

The future of world will be decided when these two clash.

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